Profit and Loss

Student will be able to:
  1. Define cost price and selling price
  2. Calculate loss or profit and find their percentages too.
  3. Evaluate the percentage of loss or profit.
Students will have learnt to decide the situation of loss and profit and handle the situation in real life.
Different object with tag price.

Cost Price (C.P.) and Selling Price (S.P.)/button

Question: What is Cost Price (C.P.)?
Answer: The money that we pay on buying things is called cost price (C.P.). alert-info

Question: What is Selling Price (S.P.)?
Answer: The money for which the thing is sold is called selling price (S.P.). alert-info

Let us try an example - You buy a simple mobile phone at Rs. 3,000. After few days, you sold it on Rs. 3,500. What happened there? You get extra Rs. 500. This is the profit.

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PROFIT = Selling Price (S.P.) - Cost Price (C.P.) and remember S.P.>C.P. alert-success

Likewise, if you need to sell that mobile at Rs. 2,200, what will happen? You will be in a loss. You will loose Rs. 800 within that time.

LOSS = Cost Price (C.P.) - Selling Price (S.P.) and remember C.P.>S.P. alert-success

The profit and loss can be expressed in the form of percentage.

Profit Percent =

Loss Percent =

Grade 5: Math Subject-Chapter:9 - Profit and Loss: Exercise 9.1 (With Solution)/button

1. Find the profit or loss of the followings.

a. C.P. = Rs. 150, S.P. = Rs. 170
C.P. = Rs. 150
S.P. = Rs. 170
S.P. is greater than C.P. So, there will be profit.
∴ Profit = S.P. - C.P. = Rs. 170 - Rs. 150 = Rs. 20.

b. C.P. = Rs. 5,000, S.P. = Rs. 6,000
C.P. = Rs. 5,000
S.P. = Rs. 6,000
S.P. is greater than C.P. So, there will be profit.
∴ Profit = S.P. - C.P. = Rs. 6,000 - Rs. 5,000 = Rs. 1,000.

c. C.P. = Rs. 215, S.P. = Rs. 350
C.P. = Rs. 215
S.P. = Rs. 350
S.P. is greater than C.P. So, there will be profit.
∴ Profit = S.P. - C.P. = Rs. 350 - Rs. 215 = Rs. 135.

d. C.P. = Rs. 7,000, S.P. = Rs. 4,000
C.P. = Rs. 7,000
S.P. = Rs. 4,000
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
∴ Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 7,000 - Rs. 4,000 = Rs. 3,000.

e. C.P. = Rs. 750, S.P. = Rs. 560
C.P. = Rs. 750
S.P. = Rs. 560
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
∴ Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 750 - Rs. 560 = Rs. 190.

f. C.P. = Rs. 40,000, S.P. = Rs. 25,000
C.P. = Rs. 40,000
S.P. = Rs. 25,000
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
∴ Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 40,000 - Rs. 25,000 = Rs. 15,000.

g. C.P. = Rs. 1,615, S.P. = Rs. 1,516
C.P. = Rs. 1,615
S.P. = Rs. 1,516
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
∴ Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 1,615 - Rs. 1,516 = Rs. 99.

2. Find the cost price:

a. S.P. = Rs. 70 and Profit = Rs. 5
S.P. = Rs. 70
Profit = Rs. 5
C.P. = ?
We know that,
Profit = S.P. - C.P.
So, Cost Price (C.P.) = S.P. - Profit = Rs. 70 - Rs. 5 = Rs. 65.

b. S.P. = Rs. 60 and Loss = Rs. 30
S.P. = Rs. 60
Loss = Rs. 30
C.P. = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P.
So, Cost Price (C.P.) = S.P. + Loss = Rs. 60 + Rs. 30 = Rs. 90.

c. S.P. = Rs. 650 and Profit = Rs. 50
S.P. = Rs. 650
Profit = Rs. 50
C.P. = ?
We know that,
Profit = S.P. - C.P.
So, Cost Price (C.P.) = S.P. - Profit = Rs. 650 - Rs. 50 = Rs. 600.

d. S.P. = Rs. 775 and Loss = Rs. 72
S.P. = Rs. 775
Loss = Rs. 72
C.P. = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P.
So, Cost Price (C.P.) = S.P. + Loss = Rs. 775 + Rs. 72 = Rs. 847.

3. Find the selling price:

a. C.P. = Rs. 120 and Profit = Rs. 30
C.P. = Rs. 120
Profit = Rs. 30
S.P. = ?
We know that,
Profit = S.P. - C.P.
So, Selling Price (S.P.) = C.P. + Profit = Rs. 120 + Rs. 30 = Rs. 150.

b. C.P. = Rs. 170 and Loss = Rs. 20
C.P. = Rs. 170
Loss = Rs. 20
S.P. = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P.
So, Selling Price (S.P.) = C.P. - Loss = Rs. 170 - Rs. 20 = Rs. 150.

c. C.P. = Rs. 120 and Profit = Rs. 30
C.P. = Rs. 370
Profit = Rs. 40
S.P. = ?
We know that,
Profit = S.P. - C.P.
So, Selling Price (S.P.) = C.P. + Profit = Rs. 370 + Rs. 40 = Rs. 410.

d. C.P. = Rs. 1,250 and Loss = Rs. 120
C.P. = Rs. 1,250
Loss = Rs. 120
S.P. = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P.
So, Selling Price (S.P.) = C.P. - Loss = Rs. 1,250 - Rs. 120 = Rs. 1,100.

4. Find the profit and loss percentage.

a. C.P. = Rs.80 and S.P. = Rs. 60
C.P. = Rs. 80
S.P. = Rs. 60
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
Loss = ?
Loss % = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 80 - Rs. 60 = Rs. 20.
∴ Loss percentage = Loss/C.P. x 100 = 20/80 x 100 = 25%.

b. C.P. = Rs.150 and S.P. = Rs. 120
C.P. = Rs. 150
S.P. = Rs. 120
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
Loss = ?
Loss % = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 150 - Rs. 120 = Rs. 30.
∴ Loss percentage = Loss/C.P. x 100 = 30/150 x 100 = 20%.

c. C.P. = Rs.550 and S.P. = Rs. 600
C.P. = Rs. 550
S.P. = Rs. 605
S.P. is greater than C.P. So, there will be profit.
Profit = ?
Profit % = ?
We know that,
Profit = S.P. - C.P. = Rs. 605 - Rs. 550 = Rs. 55.
∴ Profit percentage = Profit/C.P. x 100 = 55/550 x 100 = 10%.

d. C.P. = Rs.1,275 and S.P. = Rs. 1,200
C.P. = Rs. 1,275
S.P. = Rs. 1,200
C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
Loss = ?
Loss % = ?
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Rs. 1,275 - Rs. 1,200 = Rs. 75.
∴ Loss percentage = Loss/C.P. x 100 = 75/1,275 x 100 = 5.88%.

5. Sharan bought a dozen of watches for Rs. 1,200 of each and sold it for Rs. 1,600 of each. Find his profit and profit percentage.
Cost price for a watch = Rs. 1,200.
Cost price for 12 watches = Rs. 1,200 x 12 = Rs. 14,400.
∴ C.P. = Rs. 14,400
And, Selling price for a watch = Rs. 1,600.
Selling price for 12 watches = Rs. 1,600 x 12 = Rs. 19,200.
∴ S.P. = Rs. 19,200
Hence S.P. is greater than C.P. So, there will be profit.
Profit = S.P. - C.P. = Rs. 19,200 - Rs. 14,400 = Rs. 4,800.
∴ Profit Percentage = Profit/C.P. x 100 = 4,800/14,400 x 100 = 33.33%.

6. Rabindra bought 2 dozens of pens for Rs. 360. He sold a dozen pens for Rs. 144 and another dozen for Rs. 210. Calculate his profit or loss percentage.
Cost price of 2 dozens pen = Rs. 360
∴ C.P. = 360
Selling price for 1 dozen pens = Rs. 144
And Selling price for another dozen pens = Rs. 210
Total selling price for 2 dozens pens = Rs. 144 + Rs. 210 = Rs. 354.
∴ S.P. = Rs. 354
Since C.P is greater than S.P., there will be loss.
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P = Rs. 360 - Rs. 354 = Rs. 6.
∴ Loss percent = Loss amount/C.P. x 100 = 6/360 x 100 = 1.67%.

7. 4 chair were bought for Rs. 600 each. All the chairs were sold for Rs. 2,000. Find profit or loss percent.
Cost price for a chair = Rs. 600.
Cost price for 4 chairs = Rs. 600 x 4 = Rs. 2,400.
∴ C.P. = Rs. 2,400
Selling price of all chairs = Rs. 2,000.
∴ S.P. = 2,000
Now, C.P. is greater than S.P. So, there will be loss.
We know that,
Loss = C.P. - S.P = Rs. 2,400 - Rs. 2,000 = Rs. 400.
∴ Loss percent = Loss amount/C.P. x 100 = 400/2,400 x 100 = 16.67%

8. A man purchased an article for Rs. 800 and sold it at 12% profit.
a) Find his profit amount.
b) Find the price at which the article was sold.
Cost price (C.P.) = Rs.800
Profit percent = 12%
a) Here,
Profit amount = ?
We know that,
Profit percent = Profit amount/C.P x 100
Or, 12 = Profit amount/Rs. 800 x 100
Or, 12 x 800 = Profit amount x 100
Or, 12 x 800/100 = Profit amount
Or Profit amount = 12 x 800/100
Or Profit amount = 12 x 8
∴ Profit amount = Rs. 72.

b) Here,
S.P. = ?
We know that,
∴ S.P. = C.P + Profit amount = Rs. 800 + Rs. 72 = Rs. 872.

9. Roshan bought a camera for Rs. 20,000. He sold it at a profit of 20%. Find the selling price.
C.P. = Rs. 20,000
Profit percent = 20%
S.P. = ?
We know that,
Profit percent = Profit amount/C.P. x 100
Or, 20 = Profit amount/Rs. 20,000 x 100
Or, 20 = Profit amount/Rs. 200
Or, 20 x 200 = Profit amount
∴ Profit amount = 200 x 20 = Rs. 4,000.
∴ S.P. = C.P. + Profit amount = Rs. 20,000 + Rs. 4,000 = Rs. 24,000.

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Profit and Loss Grade 5 Exercises Solution.Grade 5 Math Exercises and Solution of Profit and Loss.What is Cost Price?, What is Selling Price?, Class 5 Profit and Loss exercise., Class 5 Math Profit and loss Profit percent and Lost percent formula.Check and learn Profit and Loss Grade-Class 5 Math subject.Grade 5 Math Chapter 9 Exercise 9.1 Solutions.Math Profit and Loss exercise 9.1 Solution of Grade-Class 5. alert-info


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